Live Photo video size to download (default:
--recent INTEGER RANGE? ? ? ? ? Number of recent photos to download
(default: download all photos)
--until-found INTEGER RANGE? ? ?Download most recently added photos until we
find x number of previously downloaded
consecutive photos (default: download all
-a, --album <album>? ? ? ? ? ? ?Album to download (default: All Photos)
-l, --list-albums? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Lists the avaliable albums
--skip-videos? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Don't download any videos (default: Download
all photos and videos)
--skip-live-photos? ? ? ? ? ? ? Don't download any live photos (default:
Download live photos)
--force-size? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Only download the requested size (default:
download original if size is not available)
--auto-delete? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Scans the "Recently Deleted" folder and
deletes any files found in there. (If you
restore the photo in iCloud, it will be
downloaded again.)
--only-print-filenames? ? ? ? ? Only prints the filenames of all files that
will be downloaded (not including files that
are already downloaded.)(Does not download
or delete any files.)
--folder-structure <folder_structure>
Folder structure (default: {:%Y/%m/%d})
--set-exif-datetime? ? ? ? ? ? ?Write the DateTimeOriginal exif tag from
file creation date, if it doesn't exist.
--smtp-username <smtp_username>
Your SMTP username, for sending email
notifications when two-step authentication
--smtp-password <smtp_password>
Your SMTP password, for sending email
notifications when two-step authentication
--smtp-host <smtp_host>? ? ? ? ?Your SMTP server host. Defaults to:
--smtp-port <smtp_port>? ? ? ? ?Your SMTP server port. Default: 587 (Gmail)
--smtp-no-tls? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Pass this flag to disable TLS for SMTP (TLS
is required for Gmail)
--notification-email <notification_email>
Email address where you would like to
receive email notifications. Default: SMTP
--notification-script PATH? ? ? Runs an external script when two factor
authentication expires. (path required:
--log-level [debug(专业提供视频软件下载)
iCloudPD-iCloud照片批量存储-iCloudPD下载 v1.7.2 命令行版 >>本地高速下载