

游戏软件2024-06-02 阅读()
[摘要]《异形殖民军》v1.2.0升级档+DLCs+补丁下载 使用说明:1、解压缩2、复制升级档及DLC到游戏目录覆盖3、运行游戏 v1.2.0 Update (May 6, 2013)Added comp...








v1.2.0 Update (May 6, 2013)

Added compatibility for “Reconnaissance Pack” multiplayer add-on.

Various visual improvements, including new screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO) functionality.

Reconnaissance Pack

Three new Team Deathmatch/Extermination maps including ‘Shipwreck’, a multi-tiered map where environmental awareness is key in getting the drop on your enemy.

A new Survivor map called ‘Off the Grid’ located around the iconic Derelict ship outside the Weyland-Yutani military base.

New skins, fatalities and heads for each xeno class allow for additional xeno customisation.

Aliens: Colonial Marines Bug Hunt DLC

Bug Hunt is an objective based horde mode where accuracy and teamwork are key as you battle to survive 30 waves of increasingly challenging xenos and enemy Weyland-Yutani soldiers. Fight the fear across 3 brand-new maps: Broadside, Mercenary and Tribute. Spend money earned from killing xenos and enemy soldiers on extra guns, ammo and health as well as opening up access to new areas of the map and suppressing enemy waves by capturing beacon points.






