
Portable Restore Point Creator-Portable Restore Point Creator下载 v3.2 Build 7官方版

系统软件2024-08-25 阅读()
[摘要]还原点创建工具(System Restore Point Creator)是一个轻量级和易于使用的应用程序,旨在帮助您将系统还原到早期的状态,使用现有的还原点。此外可以创建新的并对它们进行个性化设置...

还原点创建工具(System Restore Point Creator)是一个轻量级和易于使用的应用程序,旨在帮助您将系统还原到早期的状态,使用现有的还原点。此外可以创建新的并对它们进行个性化设置通过将具体说明添加到每个。

February 16, 2014 — Version 2.2 Build 5
This is a minor update to build 4. The AutoFix routine on the Drives with Full Restore Point Reserved Space window now gives more details as to what exactly it did. Is now displays the old size, the new size, and how much it increased the old size by. I have upgraded my development environment from Visual Studio Express 2012 to Visual Studio Express 2013.



Portable Restore Point Creator-Portable Restore Point Creator下载 v3.2 Build 7官方版
网盘提取码:403.55 KB


